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Get the latest on recent advances in portable phased array

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Did you miss our recent webinar about advances in portable phased array flaw detectors? Get caught up now.

The webinar covered some nondestructive testing applications of the OmniScan® SX and OmniScan MX2 flaw detectors.

Phased array is the technology of choice in many inspection applications. As phased array flaw detectors have continued to advance, they have become easier to use and have powerful features designed for various inspection applications in industries such as aerospace manufacturing, fabrication welding, composite testing, and in-service remaining life evaluation.

Among other topics, the webinar addressed phased array for manual weld inspection.

Our OmniScan SX and MX2 flaw detectors are two of the most successful portable and modular phased array test instruments, with thousands of units in use around the world. The webinar provided an overview of off-the-shelf functionality for Olympus phased array flaw detectors and a discussion of how this functionality is applied in different inspection applications. The webinar also included a demonstration of flaw data analysis and reporting.

If you were wondering what phased array is used for and how it can potentially be used in your inspection application, watch the webinar to learn more.

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Sarah Williamsは約10年間、放送業界で研究者およびコピーライターとして活動しています。ライターおよび編集者としてのスキルを活かし、Evidentの幅広い非破壊検査(NDT)ソリューションについて説得力のある、クオリティの高い原稿を提供しています。遠隔目視、マイクロスコープ、超音波、渦流探傷、フェイズドアレイなどの最新技術を取り上げ、世界各地におけるこれらの技術の活用や品質および安全性向上への貢献についても調査しています。ケベック・シティのオフィスに勤務し、パートナーと3人の子どもたちと共に暮らしています。

10月 25, 2016
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