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EPOCH 6LT Field Upgrade Utility

EPOCH 6LT Field Upgrade Utility

EPOCH 6LT Field Upgrade Utility

Software utility to upgrade EPOCH 6LT embedded software. Instructions and firmware are included.

EPOCH 6LT version 1.13 Updates and Improvement

This software release includes several enhancements and fixes, including:

  • For compliance with AWS D1.1:2020, attenuation factor (c) now rounds to the closest significant decimal place (0.1); values less than 0.05 are reduced to the lower 0.1 and those of 0.05 or greater are increased to the higher 0.1
  • Manual PRF is now available with DAC and DGS
  • New regulatory icon added for UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) compliance in the United Kingdom and European Union

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EPOCH 6LT Field Upgrade Utility


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