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DP72 Device driver for windows Vista and 7 64-bit updating procedures

Before Installation

Prior to installing the program, please check that your PC is in the following condition:

  • Ensure that User with “administrator” authorization is logging in.
  • Ensure that only one DP72 has been connected to your PC.
  • Before proceeding to installation, ensure that all running application including the resident software such as “Anti-virus” software are closed.

Installing DP72 Device Driver

  1. Double click on the Downloaded file [DP72x64DeviceDriverV01.exe].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 install dwonload file
  2. Click on the [Allow] in the User Account Control Dialog.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 install user access control
  3. Read the OLYMPUS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT before installing software. If you agree to this agreement, click on the [Yes].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 licence agreement
  4. When you are ready to install DP driver, click on the [OK].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 install start
  5. DP driver is installed. Please wait for it.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 processing message
    * During processing, [No Responding] message may appear in the dialog. If this message appears, it means that the processing is continued. Please wait for it until to be finished.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 processing not responding message
  6. While installing DP driver, the following dialog may be displayed (or it may not). If this dialog appears, click on the [Install].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 processing confirmation message

    DP72 Windows Vista 7 processing confirmation message
  7. While installing DP72 device driver, the following dialog is displayed. If so, please wait for it.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 processing confirmation message

    DP72 Windows Vista 7 processing message
  8. When the following dialog appears, the installation is finished. Click on the [OK] to close the dialog.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 install complete installing
  9. Restart your PC. If you restart now, click on the [Yes]. Or, if you restart by manual later, click on the [No].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 PC restart


  1. Click on the [Start].
  2. Right-click on the [Computer].
  3. Click on the [Properties] in the right-click menu of [Computer].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 display system settings
  4. Click on the [Device Manager].
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 select device driver
  5. Click on the [Continue] in the User Account Control Dialog.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 confirm user permission
  6. Click on the [+] which is in the left side of [MalAd Device].
  7. Right-click on the [MalAd Device] displayed as below.
  8. Click on the [Properties] in the right-click menu.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 select DP driver
  9. Click on the [Driver] Tab.
  10. If the [Driver Version] is [], the installation of DP72 device driver is completed successfully.
    DP72 Windows Vista 7 display DP driver property
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