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Demonstration of Essential Videoscope Features for Remote Visual Inspection (RVI)

Demonstration of Essential Videoscope Features for Remote Visual Inspection (RVI)

In a shutdown, the applications and targeted components during visual inspections of internal systems are varied. However, the requirements of a videoscope unit for these inspections are not. Brightness, high-quality images, and portability are all crucial for an effective remote visual inspection. The nature of these inspections is to search for mechanical and structural defects (i.e., turbine blade defects [cracks, pitting, missing material], weld integrity, valve functionality, etc.). The three aforementioned videoscope requirements— brightness, high-quality images, and portability—provide inspectors the ability to find these critical defects during an inspection. They also enable further investigation and accurate measurement for reliable reference against the relevant standard.

영업 엔지니어, 원격 육안 검사

Charles는 텍사스 주립 대학교에서 산업 공학 학사 학위를 취득했습니다. 그는 자동화 엔지니어, 의료 스캐너 현장 서비스 기술자 및 영업 엔지니어로 근무했습니다. 그는 Olympus에서 5년 이상 근무했습니다.

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/ 학습/ Olympus IMS Webinars/ Demonstration of Essential Videoscope Features for Remote Visual Inspection (RVI)
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