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Latest: OLYMPUS Stream 2.5.2 - Service Update - Camera Driver

Latest: OLYMPUS Stream 2.5.2 - Service Update - Camera Driver


  • The operation in combination with systems other than the ones named above is not supported. If this Service Update is applied to PCs where other versions than Stream v2.5.2 are installed, an error message will appear, and this Service Update will not be installed.
  • Be sure to run the Service Update that fits to your operating system. If the Service Update does not fit to the operating system on your PC, an error message will appear, and this Service Update will not be installed.

Improvements coming with this Service Update

This Service Update provides the support of DP23, DP23M and DP28 'Type 2' cameras in Stream 2.5.2. The installation of the Service Update is only necessary for users with an OLYMPUS DP23, DP23M and DP28 'Type 2' camera.

Confirmation before installation

Make sure that...

  • camera driver of OLYMPUS DP23. DP23M or DP28 cameras is already installed.
  • if the camera driver is not available, please run Stream 2.5.2 installer first.
  • all applications, including Stream, are closed.

Installation Procedure

  1. Start Windows.
  2. Log on with administrator rights.
  3. Double-click the Service Update file.
  4. If the user account control screen appears, select 'Yes'.
  5. The 'Preparing to Install' screen appears. After the installation preparation, the screen proceeds to the next screen automatically.
  6. The 'Select Installation' screen appears. Make sure that the software you want to update is selected. Click 'Next'.
  7. The 'Setup Status' screen appears.
  8. After the setup, the 'InstallShield Wizard Complete' screen appears. Click 'Finish'.
  9. The Service Update is installed on your PC.
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