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XRF i XRD Analizatory

Window Guard

Window Guard™ system

Window Guard™ System Protection for Testing Metal Turnings, Shavings & Protruding Components Using the DELTA Handheld XRF Alloy Analyzer

The DELTA Handheld XRF Alloy Analyzer Window Guard System is ideal when testing conditions get really tough. It is designed to protect everything inside the DELTA's analyzing window from foreign objects. It safeguards the DELTA's detector, tube, filters, and electronics from damage by sharp objects, dirt, and debris.

Window Guard™ system

DELTA Window Guard System is designed to save customers thousands of dollars in costly repair bills and down time.

The economical DELTA Alloy Window Guard is easy to affix and remove where and when you need it. Simply remove the DELTA Alloy Window Guard to analyze elements lighter than Titanium (22) and make sure the correct calibration mode is selected.

The DELTA Window Guard System is standard on all new DELTA Handheld XRF Alloy Analyzer purchases. If you want to upgrade your DELTA Handheld XRF Alloy Analyzer to incorporate the Window Guard System, simply schedule a Service RMA which includes the Window Guard System Set-Up and Calibration. Packets of Window Guards are available for purchase.


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