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Webinar: Olympus Remote Visual Inspection Series - Episode 1: Fundamentals

Olympus Remote Visual Inspection Webinar Series - Episode 1: Fundamentals

Webinar RVI fundamentals

Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) methods are used in a wide range of industries, mainly for condition monitoring, fault detection and quality control. Its applications can be as diverse as gas turbine inspection, debris retrieval and search rescue.

As the first episode in this webinar series, we will present the fundamental concepts about RVI technology.

Specifically, you will learn:

  • How RVI methods work
  • The main parts of a videoscope and its functions
  • What modern videoscopes can do
  • How to evaluate if a videoscope can help in your application
Webinar RVI fundamentals

Olympus Remote Visual Inspection Webinar Series - Episode 1: Fundamentals

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