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Soluzioni NDT

Informazioni sugli ordini

Numbering System Used to Order Standard Phased Array Probes

Glossary Used to Order Phased Array Probes

1.5 = 1.5 MHz
2.25 = 2.25 MHz
3.5 = 3.5 MHz
5 = 5 MHz
7.5 = 7.5 MHz
10 = 10 MHz

Array type

L = linear
EV = curvature in elevation
CC = concave axial curvature
CV = convex axial curvature
A = annular
2D = two-dimensional array

Active Aperture
Active aperture in mm.
Refer to page vi for details.

Elevation in mm.
Example: 10 = 10 mm

Number of elements
Example: 16 = 16 elements

Probe type
= angle beam with external wedge
NW = near-wall
PWZ = weld inspection angle beam
W = angle beam with integrated wedge
I = immersion

Casing size
Casing size for a given probe type

Cable type
P = PVC outer
M = metal armor outer

Cable length
Cable length in m.
2.5 = 2.5 m
5 = 5 m
10 = 10 m

Connector type
OM = OmniScan® connector
HY = Hypertronics™ connector
OL = OmniScan Connector with
conventional UT channel
on element 1 (LEMO® (00)

Numbering System Used to Order Wedges

Wedge type
SXX = wedge for angle beam probe type XX
Example: SA2 = wedge for angle beam probe type A2

Probe mounting
N = normal
L = lateral (90° skew)

Refracted angle in steel
0 = 0º
45 = 45º
55 = 55°
60 = 60º

Wave type
S = shear wave
L = longitudinal wave

IHC (optional)
Irrigation, scanner attachment points, and carbide wear pins

Curvature type
AOD = Axial outside diameter (circumferential scan)
COD = Circumferential outside diameter (axial scan)

Pipe diameter
Measured external pipe diameter in in.

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