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For bike frames made of conductive materials like aluminum, steel, or chromoly, eddy current technology can be used to detect surface cracks. See how it works in this application note.
Our new DP75 digital microscope camera is breaking new ground in microscopic imaging! Users can now capture brightfield or wide-wavelength fluorescence images using a single color camera. And that’s just the beginning. Check out the press release for details about this high-end camera’s new features.
Evident was established as a standalone company in April 2023, comprising the former Scientific Solutions business of Olympus, marking a significant milestone in the development of our new company.
R&Dのお客様の要求は多様化しており、当社の実験トータルアシストソフトウェはあらゆる課題に対応しています。 このブログでは、ソフトウェアの改善点とワークフローをより迅速かつ効率的にする方法についてご説明します。
We’ve updated the software for our LEXT OLS5100 laser scanning microscope to streamline experiment management and add helpful new functions to make your experiments faster and efficient. Learn more in the press release.
Today, we announced a strategic partnership with Gläser, a leader in hydraulics and technical cleanliness, to pair our CIX cleanliness inspection system with Gläser’s precision extraction technology to create a comprehensive technical cleanliness analysis solution. Learn more in the press release.
For our OEM customers, the size and power of our optical components are important. In this blog post, we describe how we slimmed down one of our most popular OEM optical component—the control box!
New BXC series modular microscope assemblies—including a new controller and objective revolvers—are smaller and lighter for easier integration.
In this white paper, we describe some of the OEM components we make that help automate inspections. We discuss specific units and how they’re used in different applications as well as how different components can work together to deliver a faster inspection.
We’re excited to announce two important additions to our leadership team! William Wesley ‘Wes’ Pringle has been named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Hiroyuki Yoshimoto has been named President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). Get all the details in the press release.
For reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE) condition monitoring, borescopes are the preferred tool to inspect the cylinders. Learn more about the procedure and get best practice recommendations and troubleshooting tips in this app note.
Portable XRF analyzers can be used as a screening tool to test for hazardous elements in cosmetics. See example results in this application note.
Lithium-ion batteries must be responsibly managed at the end of their life, and portable XRF makes this process easier. Learn more in this application note.
Thanks to updated hardware, manual scanning of fastener and bolt holes just got easier. Learn more in this application note.
株式会社エビデント(本社:東京都新宿区、社長:エリック アンダーソン)は、2023年7月26日(水)から28日(金)まで東京ビッグサイトで開催される「第11回非破壊評価総合展」に、国内初公開となる超音波フェーズドアレイ技術を搭載した自動検査ロボットソリューションを含む、非破壊検査機器のラインナップを出展します。
株式会社エビデント(本社:東京都新宿区、社長:エリック アンダーソン)は、2023年7月5日(水)から7日(金)までAichi Sky Expo(愛知県国際展示場)で開催される「人とくるまのテクノロジー展 NAGOYA 2023」に出展します。今回は、2023年度の販売開始を予定している極細径の工業用ビデオスコープ(外径2.2ミリ、1.8ミリ)を初公開します。また、近年増加傾向にある電動車(xEV)および自動車開発において研究の初期段階から製造検査、品質管理まで幅広い工程で活用される当社の非破壊検査・測定ソリューションとその最新事例を紹介します。
Knowing the type and quality of scrap metals is important for profitability. In this app note, learn how handheld XRF makes it simple and easy to identify alloy grades—including stainless steels and Inconel alloys—in seconds.
Evident Announces Interim CEO
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