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자동차 제조시 초음파를 이용한 접합 이음새의 접착제 검사

Inspecting Bond Seam Adhesive with Ultrasound in Automobile Manufacturing

In automobile manufacturing, the edges of parts such as car doors, hoods, and trunks are typically joined together using the adhesive bond seam process. Two parts are matted and sealed with adhesive to ensure the bond strength, increase corrosion resistance, and reduce vibration. To perform quality control of these bonded seams, automotive manufacturers can use ultrasound to observe the attentuation of sound in the areas where adhesive is present and reflections off the back wall where there is no adhesive.

EdgeFORM phased array wheel probeEdgeFORM phased array wheel probe

Problems with Current Ultrasound Inspection Equipment

The car parts that need to be inspected for this application vary in shape, thickness, and surface condition from one to the other. They are geometrically complex, both on the exterior and interior.

Using conventional ultrasound probes enables operators to track the bond seam with accurate sizing, but this technique has its downsides. You need to raster the probe in a two-axis pattern to get full coverage of the bond seam, it leaves marks on the part, and it is difficult to image the entire bond seam.

With a contact phased array probe, full coverage is impossible due to part geometry. This method also leaves marks on the part. There are coupling issues as well, as the changes in the geometry make constant adherence difficult.

EdgeFORM phased array wheel probeEdgeFORM phased array wheel probe

EdgeFORM phased array wheel probeEdgeFORM phased array wheel probe

Solution Using Olympus’ Bond Seam Phased Array Wheel Probe

To address the complex geometries and large variety of automotive parts, Olympus has developed the EdgeFORM phased array wheel probe. The EdgeFORM wheel probe couples to the edges of parts containing bond seams, has an aperture length that’s adjustable from 4 mm to 32 mm (0.16 in. to 1.26 in.), conforms to complex geometry, and tracks the bond seam with an easy-to-interpret C-scan.

EdgeFORM phased array wheel probe

The EdgeFORM probe rolls smoothly on unpainted surfaces, leaving no scratches or visual defects. The compression of the wheel offers equal coupling along the bond seam, and the C-scan clearly displays the unbonded areas in red and the bonded areas in blue.

EdgeFORM phased array wheel probeEdgeFORM phased array wheel probe

Olympus IMS

이 애플리케이션에 사용되는 제품
OmniScan ™ X3 시리즈의 모든 결함 탐상기는 완전한 위상 배열 툴박스입니다. 혁신적인 TFM 및 고급 PA 기능은 강력한 소프트웨어 도구와 간단한 워크 플로우로 생산성을 향상시키는 동시에 결함을 확실하게 식별하는 데 도움이됩니다.

자동차 제조업체는 EdgeForm 위상 배열 솔루션을 사용하여 트렁크, 후드 및 도어 패널의 접합 또는 접합부의 공백을 검사할 수 있습니다.

단일 그룹인 경량 옴니스캔 SX는 읽기 쉬운 8.4인치(21.3cm) 터치 스크린을 갖추고 있으며, 비용 효율적인 솔루션을 제공합니다. 옴니스캔 SX는 SX PA와 SX UT의 두 가지 모델로 제공됩니다. SX PA는 UT 전용 SX UT와 마찬가지로 P/E, P-C 또는 TOFD 검사를 위한 재래식 UT 채널을 장착한 16:64PR 장치입니다.
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