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미세홀 금속관 및 검사 방법

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Inspecting small-diameter pipes can be challenging. One common application where NDT technicians can have a difficult time is inspecting flow iron. Flow iron is a type of flowback pipe used in certain mining applications. Phased array technology is a preferred method of corrosion inspection in flow iron pipes because of its speed and accuracy. However, when the flow iron pipe has a small diameter, it’s difficult to detect corrosion on the inside diameter (ID).

A customer asked us to develop a solution for inspecting for corrosion in 2 in. and 2.39 in. outside diameter (OD) pipes. Our Dual Linear Array™ (DLA) probes are a good choice for this application because of their large beam coverage, fast scan speed, C-scan imaging with a high data-point density, and removable wedges.

DLA probe being used to inspect a piece of flow iron for corrosion.

When using phased array probes to scan for corrosion on small-diameter pipes, coupling can become an issue—it can be difficult for the probe to maintain good contact with the pipe’s surface. Since the DLA probes have removable wedges, we were able to custom manufacture 2 in. and 2.3 in. OD wedges for the customer. Attaching these wedges to a DLA probe provided excellent coupling with no probe rocking.

The benefits of using DLA probes for inspecting small-diameter pipes include:

  • Good coupling on pipes larger than 2 in. OD
  • Increased range of corrosion inspection
  • Reduced inspection time, increased coverage, and improved data analysis
  • Integrated irrigation ports for continuous coupling
  • The wedges help protect the probe from rough surfaces
  • Wedges can be replaced, helping reduce costs

This example demonstrates that DLA probes with removable wedges are an effective solution for corrosion inspection on small-diameter pipes. Check out this video to learn more about what DLA probes can do.

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Sarah는 2013년 Olympus의 마케팅 및 커뮤니케이션 부서에 합류하기 전에, 방송 미디어 업계에서 거의 10년 동안 연구원 및 카피라이터로 근무했습니다. 이제 Sarah는 작가이자 편집자로서 Olympus 제품 및 전문 분야와 관련된 주제에 대해 설득력 있고 뛰어난 품질의 자료를 만드는 데 자신의 전문성을 집중시키고 있습니다. 그녀는 초음파(UT) 및 와전류 검사(ECT), 위상 배열(PA), 전체집속기법(TFM) 및 풀 매트릭스 캡쳐(FMC), 산업 현미경 및 비디오스코프 등의 비파괴 검사(NDT) 저술을 써왔습니다. 그녀는 종종 우리 주변 환경의 수준과 안전을 향상시키는 Olympus 제품의 공헌에 대해 다룹니다. Sarah는 퀘벡시의 사무소에서 근무하며, 배우자인 David와 세 자녀인 Sophie, Anouk, Éloi.와 함께 살고 있습니다.

7월 6, 2017
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