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OmniScan MX ECA

OmniScan MX ECA

The zip file includes all applications.
Step 1: Click on the appropriate link to start downloading the zip file.
Step 2: Enter your login to continue.
Step 3: Save the zip file to your computer (NOT directly to the CompactFlash®).
Step 4: Extract the content of the zip file to a folder.
Step 5: Execute the "InstallOmniScan.exe" application.

Version Highlights
MXE 3.0R2 Simplifies the operation of Eddy Current Array technology to an entire new level; allows using Eddy Current Arrays (ECA) in a similar way to conventional ECT probes. Features live impedance plane, new patent rights protected traditional NDT methods replacement color palettes, new continuous encoder mode, redesigned cursor system and streamlined interface.

Supports the existing ECT and ECA modules on OmniScan MX.

OmniScan MX2 does NOT support ECT and ECA modules.
MXB 1.0R2 New Bond Testing C-scan software, derived from MXE. Enables live Bond Testing (BT) imagery; supports up to 8 simultaneous frequencies, amplitude and phase color displays. Easy setup with the frequency "Wizard". This software requires a special pitch-catch probe adaptor in order to support select existing BondMaster pitch-catch probes. C-scans are generated using a variety of Olympus scanner devices, including a new hand-scanner.

Supports the existing ECT and ECA modules on OmniScan MX.

OmniScan MX2 does NOT support ECT and ECA modules.

OmniScan MX ECA Software Compatibility
Module Acquisition Analysis
ECT4 MXE 2.1R1
MXE 3.0R2
MXB 1.0R2
MXE 2.1R1
MXE 3.0R2
MXB 1.0R2
ECA4-32 MXE 2.1R1
MXE 3.0R2
MXB 1.0R2
MXE 2.1R1
MXE 3.0R2
MXB 1.0R2

OmniScan MX ECA - 13267A
Sub Product Version Languages Release Notes
MXE 2.1R1 EN  
MXE 3.0R2 EN Open
MXB 1.0R2 EN Open

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