1 00:00:13,520 --> 00:00:16,360 There's always been this spirit. 2 00:00:18,040 --> 00:00:20,000 The scientific spirit. 3 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:22,560 The willingness to explore. 4 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:26,240 To reveal things that we can't see with the naked eye. 5 00:00:28,240 --> 00:00:32,240 There have always been attempts by humanity to understand life. 6 00:00:39,200 --> 00:00:47,320 The microscope is one of those fundamental tools which has changed and revolutionized society. 7 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:54,520 In 1919, it was clear that microscope technology was the future of science. 8 00:00:54,520 --> 00:00:58,280 Back then, Japan had to rely on imports for its microscopes. 9 00:00:58,280 --> 00:01:06,440 Japanese doctors and researchers couldn't buy them because they were so expensive. 10 00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:14,440 Takeshi Yamashita wanted to provide affordable, high-quality microscopes to the Japanese 11 00:01:14,440 --> 00:01:19,840 and so he founded our company to produce them domestically. 12 00:01:19,840 --> 00:01:26,560 Our very first product was the Asahi-gou microscope. 13 00:01:26,560 --> 00:01:30,440 The Asahi-gou was just a very clean line 14 00:01:30,440 --> 00:01:33,600 and had a single position for one objective. 15 00:01:33,600 --> 00:01:35,840 It's a beautiful instrument, even today. 16 00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:41,200 This was really the beginning of things for Olympus. 17 00:01:41,200 --> 00:01:46,280 As science has advanced, so have the demands of scientists. 18 00:01:46,280 --> 00:01:52,560 The microscope tools needed to become more sensitive, more automated. 19 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:57,120 A lot of the current optical technologies that we work on allow for 20 00:01:57,120 --> 00:02:02,840 live cell imaging to track and view cells over time without harming them. 21 00:02:02,840 --> 00:02:07,760 These are the tools that help advance science and medicine. 22 00:02:07,760 --> 00:02:11,160 We currently offer our microscopes to specialists, 23 00:02:11,160 --> 00:02:13,840 whose use of our products can be classified into three categories. 24 00:02:13,840 --> 00:02:18,640 The first is medical. Doctors can take lesion samples from patients 25 00:02:18,640 --> 00:02:22,600 and observe the tissue and cells for diagnosis. 26 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:25,080 The second is general research. 27 00:02:25,080 --> 00:02:28,160 Researchers use microscopes to study how diseases develop 28 00:02:28,160 --> 00:02:33,680 and how medicine could possibly be used to treat those diseases. 29 00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:38,440 The third is industrial. A microscope allows you to observe 30 00:02:38,440 --> 00:02:42,400 the structure of metal materials such as steel and aluminum. 31 00:02:42,400 --> 00:02:46,200 This is often done for the purpose of quality assurance. 32 00:02:49,240 --> 00:02:55,640 In Scientific Solutions, the regular consumer may not have any idea about the technology 33 00:02:55,640 --> 00:02:59,280 that's actually a part of their everyday life. 34 00:02:59,280 --> 00:03:04,440 The industrial products are widely used as a way to prevent failure. 35 00:03:04,440 --> 00:03:10,320 We put a sensor on a material, and we use ultrasound or eddy current 36 00:03:10,320 --> 00:03:13,360 to learn and get intelligent information. 37 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:15,400 Let's say it's an aircraft. 38 00:03:15,400 --> 00:03:20,960 Our products are first used to make sure that all the dimensions are exactly to specification. 39 00:03:20,960 --> 00:03:24,880 You can look for defects. You can look for cracks and surface problems. 40 00:03:24,880 --> 00:03:30,440 When parts are bonded together, they're used to make sure that the bond lines are tight. 41 00:03:30,440 --> 00:03:35,000 Because if they're not, when that aircraft eventually goes into the air, things will loosen up 42 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:37,760 then failure happens and disaster happens. 43 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:40,520 Olympus has a very strong responsibility. 44 00:03:40,520 --> 00:03:44,400 We take the quality of what we're making very seriously. 45 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:56,520 This equipment allows us to look inside the engine 46 00:03:56,520 --> 00:03:59,920 without us having to actually take it apart. 47 00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:01,960 It's like when you go to the doctor and get an X-ray. 48 00:04:01,960 --> 00:04:06,760 Doing a borescope inspection allows us to look for defects, cracks, corrosion, 49 00:04:06,760 --> 00:04:10,720 at night, so the plane can fly in the morning safe and make its next destination. 50 00:04:13,360 --> 00:04:15,800 Our number one value here is safety. 51 00:04:15,800 --> 00:04:17,600 We all fly on these aircraft all the time. 52 00:04:17,600 --> 00:04:19,640 My family flies on them. 53 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:24,840 This is a way we can ensure our passengers that the engines are going to be safe for their flight. 54 00:04:24,840 --> 00:04:27,920 That's our number one goal and the most important thing we do. 55 00:04:27,920 --> 00:04:30,400 It's a good feeling. It's something to be proud of. 56 00:04:35,480 --> 00:04:41,800 We are always looking to contribute in the most meaningful way possible. 57 00:04:41,800 --> 00:04:45,880 We are looking at things like precision medicine. 58 00:04:45,880 --> 00:04:49,760 Most people know somebody in their life who has had cancer. 59 00:04:51,840 --> 00:04:56,280 Through our imaging technology, we can examine the patient’s tumor 60 00:04:56,280 --> 00:05:02,960 to understand whether or not a particular anti-cancer compound will work for a specific patient. 61 00:05:05,200 --> 00:05:10,720 Recently, it all became very real and very personal for me. 62 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:13,360 My wife got sick. 63 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:16,840 She got cancer . 64 00:05:16,840 --> 00:05:20,280 I'd been working on precision medicine. 65 00:05:20,280 --> 00:05:24,600 It was always meaningful to me intrinsically. 66 00:05:24,600 --> 00:05:29,440 But now, it could potentially impact 67 00:05:29,440 --> 00:05:30,640 the person I love most. 68 00:05:36,160 --> 00:05:41,840 There's so much technology that's going into keeping you safe. 69 00:05:41,840 --> 00:05:46,000 We should never take it for granted. 70 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:52,040 When I became a mom, and I'm looking at all the car seats on the shelf 71 00:05:52,040 --> 00:05:54,720 and I saw the company that I knew that used our products, 72 00:05:54,720 --> 00:05:56,440 I bought that one. 73 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:01,160 We can't just be a manufacturer. 74 00:06:01,160 --> 00:06:03,120 We need to contribute to society. 75 00:06:04,680 --> 00:06:09,400 People change the world with the tools that we create. 76 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:12,080 There's a mission that we are on at Olympus -- 77 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:14,600 to create healthier and safer environments.